Faculty Profile

Hamed Faroqi
Update: 2024-09-19

Hamed Faroqi

Faculty of Engineering / Department of Civil Engineering

Theses Faculty

M.Sc. Theses

  1. Investigating the relationship between ground surface temperature and urban heat island with changes in spatial parameters using satellite images (case study: Kermanshah city)
    Remote sensing is a new, low-cost and fast method for collecting information about the earth's surface. This science has always been one of the influencing factors on the decision making of managers, engineers and experts due to its ability to identify phenomena such as: land surface temperature and urban heat island phenomenon. It is the purpose of this research to examine the relationship between changes in spatial parameters and changes in the surface temperature of the earth. The investigation of this issue was conducted from 2013 to 2023 using Landsat 8 satellite images, OLI/TIRS sensors, and on the studied area of Kermanshah. The term urban heat island refers to areas of the city surface that have a higher temperature than the surrounding areas. A thermal island is formed as a result of spatial and temporal changes, mainly due to changes in land cover and the build-up of heat as a result of human activity (constructions). We have corrected the images obtained from the OLI/TIRS sensor for radiometric and atmospheric factors, and classified the land cover using ENVI, ArcGIS, and QGIS software. This study investigates the surface temperature of the city using two methods (SCA and SWA), as well as the effect of different land covers on the surface temperature of the city. Additionally, the relationship between the types of covers and the surface temperature of the city, including the indices of vegetation cover (NDVI) and urban body (NDBI), has been examined. The results of our research also indicate that the spatial parameters have an effect on the increase or decrease of urban heat islands. Based on the results of this study, we came to the conclusion that vegetation and heat islands have a negative correlation. Furthermore, the intensity of the urban heat island is positively related to the impervious surface of the city. The intensity of the heat island can also be affected by factors such as decreasing wind speed and an increase in population. As a final point, Kermanshah's thermal islands are mostly concentrated in the southeast, southwest, and central areas of the city during the hot season of the year (oil company and refinery).